Monday, April 13, 2009


i got my ankles tattooed. :)

counting down the days until schools over, and until june 1st.

Monday, April 6, 2009


i need it o so badly.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


are the only thing keeping me going through school every week.
i'm almost caught up. except for my models due tomorrow...
i slept for 2 hours last night and had class 9-9 today.


Monday, March 30, 2009

pack your fists full of hate,take a swing on the world

epic at keeping up in this.
i think its time to start again.

UB09 ruled.
i can't really think of a band that had a bad set.
Foundation was really fucking good. I've never listened to them really, i need to start.
I'm glad i got to see the Cro-Mags aswell.
One of the most intense experiences i've ever had/witnessed.
I was convinced someone was going to die during that set.

i have to write some shit for my studio class.
more later.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


February 14th is my birthday, i really could care less about it being valentines day.
it was good.
spent the day with josh
brian came
got to see my mom and my sister
got scrubs season 7
got a lemuria record

barely anyone took the time to wish me happy birthday
everyone was too caught up in the commericalized love day.
my mom traded my car in, leaving me carless for real this time.

Josh is right, the older you get the less people care.
its whatever, the ones i really care about i got to spend the day with.
I woke up around 2 or so to a bunch of facebook notification texts. If you have someones phone number, why wouldn't you just text them instead of writing on their facebook wall. If i had deleted facebook prior to my birthday, i doubt more than 10 people would've acknowledged my birthday. Whatever. I don't mean to make it sound like my birthday was super shitty, it really wasn't. I started getting texts from my mom about how they were going to be in town, they were being kind of sneaky. Took a shower, got BoDillaz with Josh and Rachel and then returned to the apartment to relax. My sister continued to send me cryptic text messages which was starting to piss me off. I ended up waiting around for an hour and a half or so for my mom to get here with some sort of surprise. She traded my car in, surprise! I officially don't own a car anymore, that rules. I'm still kind of upset about it. Atleast with my Aveo, my name was on the registration and the title and all. My little sister gave me my present, Scrubs season 7, which i still have to watch all of. I called Brian and convinced him to come down and see me for my birthday and he brought Colby and Collin down too. That was cool. We went to Vinyl Conflict and Brian bought me a Lemuria record. im stoked on that too. We went to the West end and acquired Mark and Brandon and went over to short pump mall. Bought an argyle cartigan and then headed back to the city. Mark and Brandon came to chill, later joined by Kara. We made oreo milkshakes.
Woke up today by a phone call from mom. I needed to go sign some papers with the car since the trade in was mine. Returned to the apartment. Later, went to the ASPCA with Rachel to look for a dog. We spent some time with a three legged dalmation named Dottie. She was pretty rad. Went shopping and were joined by Chris and Laura and decided to dine at Olive Garden. our waitress ruled. Currently: hanging out with Josh, brandon, mark, reid and taylor.

overall weekend was sweet.
now to do my fucking homework.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2,552 days

as a teenager, as of today.
only 3 more to go.

Friday, February 6, 2009


all of a sudden i have a studder and slur my words.
i try to talk too fast i suppose. my mind gets ahead of what's coming out of my mouth.

its almost my birthday. i don't know how i feel about that.
18th birthday: formal dinner party, my various groups of friends talked shit on each other. animosity was in the air. my mom made bangin' manicotti. i ended up crying.
19th birthday: i spent it alone and crying. life sucked, i wanted to die, i didn't eat for two weeks, my birthday fell in between those two weeks, i bought myself a car, which turns out to be the shittiest car in the world and isnt even mine anymore. the best thing that came out of that was patrick 1-800-flowers'd me some tulips. i never talk to patrick anymore, hes a quality individual though.
this year i can only hope it will be better. having your birthday on valentines day sucks. no one wants to hang out, or even remembers half the time because they're busy with their significant other. my best friend from 3rd until 10th grade had the same birthday as i did, so i knew we could always spend it together. tons of joint birthday parties, etc.

we shall seeeee.
maybe going to josh's moms next weekend too...
who knows.


Monday, January 26, 2009

last night

was the best night in a long time.
you rule.

can't stop


your life gets more entertaining and better and better the more time goes on.
how can you date someone for almost 2 years and lie about every aspect of your life to them?
someone that you are supposed to be sharing the most exclusive and important details of your life with?
really sucks to be you.
i'm doing so much better than you are, and ever will.
i'm just shocked more than anything.
i stopped caring a long time ago, and for you to go and post something like that on the b9, you're a fucking idiot.
You act like identity wouldn't be revealed.
So that's what, three people you were dating at the same time? and cheating with god knows how many people over that period of time?
i'm at a loss for words really.
you're scum. the scum of the earth.
it just really really really sucks to be you.
you're so fucked.

and knowing how fucked you are, as twisted as it may be, is liberating to me, know that all the bullshit you put me through and all of the pain you brought upon me, you're in way more and will be for the rest of your life probably.


Thursday, January 22, 2009


have a headache, it's killer.
thursdays suck.

after 9pm, the weekend begins.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

the great purge

myspace total deleted: 122 people
facebook total deleted: 300 something people

aim getting cleansed next.
i'm over people.
if we don't talk honestly why do i need to keep you on my friends list?
you're life isn't that interesting for me to lurk i'm sure, not that i have time for that.
ya win some, ya loose some.

notorious was amazing, btw.
go see it as soon as possible.

and, i miss being home.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


this semester is going to blow.
monday//wednesday: class 1:30-6:45//work 7-11
tuesday//thursday: class 9-9
friday: off
saturday: off, work sometimes
sunday:off, work sometimes

i'm going to collapse, possibly by the end of next week.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


-focus on school.
-explore to acquire knowledge on my own.
-gym 5-6 days a week, once it reopens on jan 5.
-start to go to bed earlier.
-save my money.
-find a nicer apartment.
-read more.
-draw more.
-call my mom atleast every week.
-be nice to others.