Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today was prosperous i suppose.
I had class from 12-115, the teacher was late and we got stuck doing bullshit.
She claims we were going to do it anyway, i just hate filler assignments.
I've been on a big learning through absorbing kick lately.
I want to go to all kinds of lectures and just soak up as much as there is to hear.
I'm going to submerge myself in a new subject soon, I'm just not sure what yet.
Many people have been blogging about all of the lists they've been making, well I too am obsessed with lists and write things down over and over again recategorizing them.
to-do lists, to-read lists, to-see lists, to-google lists, to-draw lists; they're never ending.

Worked from 3-7 today too.
Ethan, Chris, Josh, LNUCK, and another girl came by and indulged.
I've become so lazy lately. I never want to work, or go to class.
On another note, Haunts opening weekend is this weekend.
That is the only work I'm stoked on, although it's more play than work.
My free tickets are going to Ethan, Allison, Josh and Chris; sorry, I only get four.
No, I cannot get you any kind of discount.
BUT! for this weekend if you go, its only 12 bucks instead of 15, and you get a voucher to come back for a second time for only $5. Two nights for only $17 as apposed to $30, thats pretty sweet.

Josh and Chris are coming by momentarily.
The festivities will then commence, starting with Quizno's. 
P.S. last night Ethan tattooed Chris's hand. Chris then did some sort of flip into my bed on top of me. It was a little bit rediculous. 

im way stoked.
come say hey to me and josh :]
in spirit of haunts, here's a braineaters image :]

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