Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Haunting.

Opening weekend of Blood Lake, two thirds of the way through.
I'm way stoked on it.
It's been a blast.
Last night i was a torture victim and got a ton of positive reactions from the customers.
Tonight I was Nurse Green, basically the orphans gouges my eye out because I stared at them funny. I had a sweet prosthetic over my right eye. It's off in the picture, they took it off while I was still at the Haunt. I also took a sweet face dive into a beam, not having functioning vision in my right eye and probably will have a killer bruise in the morning.
  I slept until three today, that was pretty epic. Woke up, got Quizno's with Josh then headed to Red Dragon to see Chris get his ankles tattooed. I scurried from Red Dragon back to the apartment where I had left my phone charging.  Two missed calls from Kendal, and a few text messages, nothing important. Shortly after I hopped into Kendal's car and we drove out to the Haunt. Next weekend hopefuly everything will be ready to go. Sandy and Scott both have 9-5 jobs and do the attraction, they've gotten so much done but there's still a ton more to do before all of the effects will be ready.
 I have tomorrow off, thank goodness. I need a break. Hopefully Josh and I will make it to the park. We've been saying we were going to go on many occasions but we end up sleeping in and missing prime park hours. 
I'm waiting for Josh to get here actually. He was in the Bottom with the gang. I still haven't washed my face off. I'm all icky. Meh, whatevs. I  need to start doing my research for my wall project form Camden's class. I assume thats what I will be doing the majority of the day tomorrow, that is if I get up before it's the afternoon. So many thoughts, my brain's on overload. I think I should draw, after i clean up that is. 

Happy October, and Happy Haunting.

1 comment:

Savannah Revis said...

I have heard about this blood lake
can you tell me where it is?

i want to go.